• Our Team


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    Martin Handley

    Hi Folks, My name is Martin, I look after the gardening projects at ONE project Macclesfield.


    I have always been a keen gardener and trying to grow something from seed has always made me smile.


    Before OPM me and my partner set up Macc Plant Swap for other keen green fingered individuals in Macclesfield to be able to swap plants, seeds and other gardening bits.


    In the last year OPM has gotten stronger and stronger and we are taking on more and more projects working with local people, other groups and businesses as well as still remaining true to ourselves.

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    Kate Ellis

    Hiya I'm Kate I look after the recycling arm of the One Project.


    I started to up my recycling game when my first little boy Quinn was born. Due to being in hospital a lot and Quinn having baby pouch food (due to the ease while being at my hospital appointments during my pregnancy with my 2nd son Lotan) I found out about Terracycle.


    I started off recycling baby pouches and crisp packets. Now we recycle over 50 different hard to recycle items supporting not only our community group but many other charities and groups too.


    As I am not originally from around Macclesfield and was also a new mum it was a great way for me to meet people and engage in some adult conversation while also helping tackle the big issue we have with single use plastic. I started group recycle sorting mornings in my garden and surprisingly lots of people turned up and continued to do so.


    Recycling is not the answer but for the time being until manufacturers change the packaging of products we will continue to recycle.